// wordlists.asm: WORD p_strncmp,'STRNCMP',fasm anchor:p_strncmp[] === Word: STRNCMP .... Data stack: ( s1 s2 n -- v ) .... "STRNCMP" is a function words that compares up to n characters of character sequences s1 and s2, and returns the difference of the first differing characters, as in +s2[i] - s1[i]+, or 0 if all n characters are the same. I.e., the value v is less than 0 if string [n:s1] is alpha-numerically less than [n:s2], v is greater than 0 if [n:s1] is greater than [n:s2], and v is 0 if [n:s1] and [n:s2] are equal.