// compile.asm: WORD p_evaluate_stream,'EVALUATE-STREAM' anchor::p_evaluate_stream[] === Word: EVALUATE-STREAM .... Data stack: ( stream -- ??? 0/1 ) Input stream: ...... .... "EVALUATE-STREAM" is a function word that reads words separated by whitespace from the stream until it discovers an unknown word, or the stream is exhausted. Depending on <>, the words are either executed or compiled, and all ther stack and heap effects are preserved. "EVALUATE-STREAM" returns with an additional 0 or 1 on the stack to respectively indicate that the last word was unkown, i.e. not found (<>) in the current word list (<>) and not a <> of the current <>. Note that numbers in the current <> are treated as known words that are parsed into cell values. If interpreting, then the value is left on the stack. If compiling, then the value is added to the heap subsequent to first adding <>, which is done so as to make that value be push to the data stack upon a later execution. In the <> base, the number word may begin with a minus sign. The words are read and executed one by one, accounting for whether its a number word or not, whether it is an <> word or not, and whether the state at the time of execution indicates "compiling" of "interpreting". Immediate words are executed in both interpreting and compiling state, while other words have their CFA get added to the heap so as to gain their execution effect upon a later execution. Note that "EVALUATE-STREAM" keeps the stream (pointer) on the return stack while reading, parsing and executing. If "EVALUATE-STREAM" ends with 0, then <> holds the [n:chars] reference of the offending word in the stream buffer. ==== .Word: EVALUATE-STREAM [caption='Definition concept {counter:exec}: '] ---- ( too complex to include here ) ---- ====