Blacklist based domain name filtering

The nfblocker utility is a blacklist based network traffic filter for iptables via libnetfilter-queue. It applies to HTTP and SSL traffic for recognizing and dropping packets that are directed to blacklisted domain names.


Operationally nfblocker depends on the libnetfilter-queue-dev and iptables packages, and for building, you'll also need a C build environment including make.

The blacklist format is that of, which you'll need to acquire separately.

Build and Install

nfblocker is distributed in a tar file, which should be unpacked at its future residence; e.g., as /usr/local/src/nfblocker-1.0.0. Then cd into that directory and type:

# make

This will build the binary filter, and install the control script as /usr/local/sbin/ Edit the Makefile to install elsewhere.

Setup and Confguration

The residence has a directory acl that is intended to hold all available access control lists, and a directory blocked that should be set up with links to the access control list files to use. For example:

# ( cd blocked && ln -s ../acl/youtube-google-videos.acl )

That command will set up youtube-google-videos.acl to be an included blacklist. Do the opposite to remove; for example:

# rm blocked/youtube-google-videos.acl


The nfblocker is started with the following command:

# start

With the start argument, the script adds appropriate iptables rules to use direct certain traffic to net-filter queue 99, and it starts a background process fot that filtering.

# reload

With the reload argument, the control script stops and restarts the filter without changing iptables rules.

# stop

With the stop argument, the control script removes the iptables rules and terminates the filtering process.

Technical Detail

The filtering uses the given lists of domain names for rejecting packets. It recognizes HTTP message headers and SSL certificate requests, from where it picks out the targeted domain name. If that name is blacklised or in a blacklisted domain, then the packet is rejected.

The filtering also uses a fixed size decision cache, so that subsequent decisions for the same target can be made quickly.