The packnl Project ================== *packnl* is a command to pack a newlisp application into a binary using the embedding feature of newlisp. Such a packed binary will have +incore.lsp+ as embedded script, and then extended with the application files in a "simple archive" format. The first application file is used as "main script" that is loaded automatically. The remaining application files are set up to be available as overriding members for the +load+, +read-file+ and +file?+ functions. .packnl -w binary ( file | -a name | -A name | -C path )* ==== This commandline form is used for preparing a binary with the given files. The nominated files will be appended to the binary in the given order. * The *-a* option is used for registering the members of an +ar+ style archive to subseqently be selectively nominated for inclusion into the binary. * The *-A* option is used for including all members of an +ar+ style archive. * The *-C* option is used for changing (input) directory as given. ==== .packnl -t binary ==== This commandline form is used for reviewing a packed binary as a list of its included members. ==== .packnl -u binary directory ==== This commandline form is used for unpacking a packed binary into a given target directory. ====