= rescue-boot This project holds scripts that prepares a "rescue" boot image file with a Devuan ceres minbase filesystem. * +./minbase-strap.sh+ prepares boot-ceres-$ARCH.img - +./minbase-strap-bios.sh+ include fragment preparing bios boot equipment - +./minbase-strap-uefi.sh+ include fragment preparing uefi boot equipment - +./minbase-strap-mkimg.sh+ include fragment packaging into disk file * +./run.sh boot-ceres-$ARCH.img+ boots it up in a virtual machine. == About the boot image preparation The rescue boot image is a full disk image with two partitions. The first is a FAT partition that contains a linux kernel and initrd for the kernel and boot equipments using syslinux for both legacy bios and UEFI bios boot. The initrd.gz file is quite large makign the partition somewhat larger than 100M and this makes it less ameniable as boot image for a hybrid ISO (which has a 32M limit). The preparation populates a root filesystem in the FS directory by using debootstrap followed by certain "Captain's Picks" to include partcular choice software. The scripting asks firstly for a kernel choice and then an init script choice to optionally replace the "standard" initrd init script with some rescue variant. == About the virtual machine setup The run.sh script starts a QEMU system emulator for the boot image given on the command line. E.g., $ ./run.sh boot-ceres-amd64.img With environment setting EFI=yes, the emulation uses UEFI boot. E.g. $ EFI=yes ./run.sh boot-ceres-amd64.img The script assumes the host has a "vde2" setup with a "vde-switch" using control directory "/run/vde.ctl". Any alternatie network setup needs script hands-on to change the "NET=.." variable.