add net option and minor code polishing
[rrq/hourglass.git] / manager / tmpl / controls-form.html
1 <html><head><title>Hourglass Controls</title>
2     <link rel="stylesheet" href="/hourglass.css">
3   </head>
4   <body>
5     <center>
6       <h1>Control Settings</h1>
7       <form method="POST" action="controls.cgi">
8       <table>
9         <tr>
10           <th>Weekday</th>
11           <th>Toggle</th>
12           <th>Start</th>
13           <th>Limit</th>
14           <th>End</th>
15         </tr>
17           <tr>
18             <th><?newlisp (DAYS (mapv @DN))?></th>
19             <td>
20               <select name="mode@DN">
21                 <MAP1> (@X) (map list mode-options) <option value="@X"
22 <?newlisp
23    (if (= (string (mapv @MODE)) (mapv @X)) "selected" "")
24 ?>> @X</option>
25                 </MAP1>
26               </select>
27             </td>
28             <td>
29               <select name="start@DN">
30                 <MAP1> (@X) (map list start-options) <option value="@X"
31 <?newlisp
32    (if (= (format "%02d:%02d" (mapv @START)) (mapv @X)) "selected" "")
33 ?>> @X</option>
34                 </MAP1>
35               </select>
36             </td>
37             <td>
38               <select name="limit@DN">
39                 <MAP1> (@X) (map list limit-options) <option value="@X"
40 <?newlisp
41    (if (= (format "%02d:%02d" (mapv @LIMIT)) (mapv @X)) "selected" "")
42 ?>> @X</option>
43                 </MAP1>
44               </select>
45             </td>
46             <td>
47               <select name="end@DN">
48                 <MAP1> (@X) (map list end-options) <option value="@X"
49 <?newlisp
50    (if (= (format "%02d:%02d" (mapv @END)) (mapv @X)) "selected" "")
51 ?>> @X</option>
52                 </MAP1>
53               </select>
54             </td>
55           </tr>
56         </MAP>
57       </table>
58       <div id="extras">
59         <div id="gap_toggle" class="extra">
60           <select name="gap">
61             <MAP> (X) (map list gap-options) <option value="X"
62 <?newlisp (if (= (mapv X) GAP) "selected" "")?>>X</option></MAP>
63           </select>
64           idle minutes between activity sessions.
65         </div>
66         <div id="clip-toggle">
67           <select name="clip" class="extra">
68             <MAP> (X) (map list clip-options) <option value="X"
69 <?newlisp (if (= (mapv X) CLIP) "selected" "")?>>X</option></MAP>
70           </select>
71           networks packets in a minute, to count as activity.
72         </div>
73       </div>
74       <div id="form_submit" class="extra" >
75         <?newlisp UPDATE?>
76         <input type="submit" value="update">
77       </div>
78       </form>
79     </center>
80   </body>
81 </html>